Understanding areas of need helps to prioritise tree planting programs
Urban heat island mapping and analysis
Identifying hotspots from aerial and satellite thermal imagery that intersect with areas of social vulnerability and high pedestrian activity to determine priority urban greening investment areas.
Canopy cover analysis
Analysing the extent of tree cover over an urban area, breaking down into suburbs, land use zone or tenure identifying gaps and opportunities.
Integrating green infrastructure into existing policy and strategic priorities
Embedding green infrastructure and urban forest priorities into existing strategy, policy and programming across a range of disciplines.
Advocating and effecting change with decision makers
Informing, consulting and negotiating with all levels of decision making for smarter on ground solutions.
Building the business case – providing evidence based recommendations
Providing evidence based recommendations for setting targets, actions and measuring progress.
Urban forest valuation
Utilising various valuation methods including I-Tree Eco to determine structural, amenity and environmental values of individual trees or whole populations.