City of Yarra aims to strengthen its public tree network. (Photo: Beautiful Amnesia c/- City of Yarra)
Meg has worked with metropolitan and regional councils across Australia to develop urban forest and urban heat priorities.
City of Greater Geelong: Urban Forest Strategy 2015 – 2025
Geelong’s Urban Forest Strategy focuses on increasing canopy cover across Geelong’s residential street network, particularly within socially vulnerable areas, where shade is crucial for local communities.
City of Yarra: Urban Forest Strategy 2017
This strategy provides a clear charter for the future custodianship of Yarra’s street and park tree population. It’s primary focus is to help Council embed urban forest priorities across all relevant departments and programs to improve efficiency of works, improve returns on capital expenditure and maximise the benefits of urban greening.
Find out more.
City of Greater Shepparton Urban Forest Strategy 2017 – 2037
This strategy ties together existing priorities for the region such as health and wellbeing, liveability, climate change adaptation, biodiversity and economic prosperity. A healthy, long lived and valued urban forest will make Greater Shepparton a great place to live and work.
Find out more.
City of Boroondara: Urban Tree Strategy 2017
In partnership with CoDesign Studio, this strategy was based on extensive community consultation around people’s perceptions of Boroondara’s street and park trees. The Strategy highlights the need to methodically renew older trees to ensure minimal loss of landscape amenity over time, to plant shade trees in areas of need for people, to plant future legacy trees and to use the public realm street and park networks to act as corridors between areas of biodiverse value. The Strategy also recognises the need for Council to engage with the community, particularly around streetscape tree renewal. Find out more.
Melbourne Metro Rail Authority: Living Infrastructure Plan
Developed as a partnership between Loci Environment and Place and Melbourne Metro Rail, the Living Infrastructure Plan for the Metro Tunnel sets out design, implementation and applied learning solutions to help ensure the project results in healthy, resilient and biodiverse green urban landscapes to support the future liveability of Melbourne.
City of Moreland Urban Heat Island Action Plan 2016 – 2026
Winner of the 2017 Premier’s Sustainability Award, the Urban Heat Island Effect Action Plan will help to create a city more resilient to urban heat and climate change. Taking action will produce multiple benefits including decreased energy costs, improved air quality and reduce health risks. This plan was prepared in partnership with Ironbark Sustainability.
City of Greater Dandenong: Urban Tree Strategy
This Strategy recognises the paucity of tree canopy cover across Greater Dandenong and paves the way for a more integrated, evidence based, 10-year public tree planting program. It was developed in partnership with Tree Logic Pty Ltd.
Urban heat and social vulnerability mapping: Penrith, Brimbank, Wyndham, Moreland, Dandenong, Maribyrnong
City of Moreland Urban Forest Strategy
Peer reviewed the draft prepared by Council.
Wollongong City Council Urban Green Strategy
Provided expert input into the development of the Strategy alongside Council staff.
City of Moonee Valley Urban Forest Action Plan
Currently providing expert input into this Plan which will sit underneath the MV2040 Plan.
City of Onkaparinga Urban Forest Program